Are You suffering from matrimonial disputes and harrassed by attending court dates than this post is for you. You can make an application Before CMM for transfer of all Magistrate case in one court. Alternatively you can file petition before your high court  for transfer of all case pending in one court.

Application format for clubbing all cases in single court


Criminal Transfer Appl. No.:_____ of 2020

  1. Applicant, S/o ________, R/o _____________


  1. State of U.P.
  2. Respondent, 
R/o ____________

In the matters of

Case No. ____ of 20__
State Of U.P. Vs _____
U/s 498a/323/504/506 IPC
P.S. _______


Case No. ____ of 20__
_________ Vs _____________
U/s 12 of Domestic Violence Act
P.S. _______


Case No. ____ of 20__
_________ Vs _____________
U/s _______
P.S. _______


(Write more detail of case, if any)

Humble Application to clubbing all connected case between (Husband Name) and (Wife Name) arising out Matrimonial Dispute by way of transfer.

Most Respectfullt showeth:

  • That the above noted cases are connected matters, arising out of the single matrimonial dispute are pending in various courts.
  • That Hon'ble supreme court provided some guidelines for handling the matrimonial disputes specially related to 498A IPC and dowry harrassment in its landmark Judgement titled as "Rajesh Sharma & ors. versus state of up & Anr.".
  • That the Case No. ____ of 2020 (__________Vs __________’) U/s ___________ IPC, P.S. _______ pending in the court of Hon’ble (name of court)  had operational stay orders from Hon’ble High Court since __/__/20__, but the stay order have been auto vacated in view of the law laid down by Hon’ble Apex Court in the case of Asian Resurfacing of Road Pvt. Ltd. Vs Central Bureau of Investigation and other connected matters reported in (2018) SCC OnLine SC 310. [Use when your opposite party got stay in any case and you wish start the proceedings]
  • That in the light of the above noted facts and circumstances it is hereby requested that the above matter be clubbed in the court of a senior Judge in your court so that a holistic view can be taken and unnecessary harassment of the applicant  be avoided.


It is, therefore most respectfully prayed that this Hon’ble Court may graciously be pleased to allow the application and club the aforesaid matter in one senior courtotherwise the applicant shall suffer Irreparable loss and injury, and /or to pass such other and further order as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the circumstances of the case.

(Signature of Applicant)
(Name of applicant)

Disclaimer: All the formats shared here are provided for  education and reference purposes only. 'MyRights' will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the display or use of this information. Must consult Your Lawyer according to your case.

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